* Click Proceed to CheckOut then Enter more details in Special Instructions Fields. Get ETA after clicking Free Delivery Request and upon your Runner Accepting your Request. The Trusted Delivery Service.
StayRunners: On-Demand Delivery
Please click Continue if you Agree that in the event you transact with a Friend with
A Fridge that to the best of your knowledge the Gift you select from the Friend with a
Fridge is legal to possess in your city and that the recipient will be Over the Legal Age
Limit and Sober at the time of Receipt of the Gift. As Gratitude you will Give the Friend with
A Fridge a predeterminted Tip upon receipt of your Gift.
You must be over the legal age
It must be legal to possess these products in your city
You cannot be intoxicated at the time of delivery
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We look forward to connecting with more people on our 24-hour network.